Members of the University Clinical Center of Kosovo in protective gear walk past a sign reading "Ambulance For Coronavirus" at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo in Pristina on March 14, 2020. - Kosovo reported its first coronavirus (COVID-19) case on March 13, 2020, in a 22-year-old Italian woman and a 77-year-old Kosovar man, both recently returned from Italy. (Photo by Armend NIMANI / AFP)
IKSHPK ka publikuar raportin e 24 orëve të fundit me raste Covid 19.
Plot 149 raste pozitive kanë rezultuar në 24 orët e fundit, ndërsa 43 pacientë janë shëruar. Numri i rasteve aktive është 592.
Rritja e rasteve pritet të aktivizojë sërishën stafin ndihmës shëndetësorë